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3 Tips On Making Your B2B Social Posts Kick-Butt

July 10, 2019

Seems like B2B companies everywhere are waking up to the marketing opportunities LinkedIn and other social networks provide to connect with clients and generate demand. People diligently post product updates, news and selfie video dialogs. But even the biggest companies have a hard time getting social exposure outside of their follower base.

Getting people to “like” is nice and increases visibility. Getting actual responses and engagement is even better. But getting people to consistently share your posts, follow you and help you gain new followers is ideal.

How, pray tell, do you make Cloud services and chemical additive posts go viral? Honestly, it’s doubtful you’ll ever get the same visibility as a cat meme, but here are a few tricks for B2B professionals to help increase shares and follows.

Provide Content People Want to Steal For Themselves

Think about the type of posts you share on your personal social networks. They almost always have to do with drawing attention to yourself:

  1. something that makes *you* look smart or “in the know”
  2. something that entertains your friends and makes *you* look cool or funny
  3. something that makes *you* look like a good person (social causes, inspirational stories and philosophical/religious messages)
  4. something that sparks conversation about *your* ideas and culture

Content is still king – people share stuff that brings them attention and social status when they take ownership of it. Essentially, try not to write content that is directly about your company or product. Write content people will want to claim (and share) as their own – your brand builds a strong bond with them through this association.

Dumpster Fires Not Show Ponies

In the social highway, posts stream by quick – take advantage of rubbernecking.

Sometimes the best way to get people to slowdown and take a look at a post is to show something freaky, weird or dangerous. Don’t be afraid to associate your brand with negative imagery – especially if you play a role in the solution.

Thought Leadership

You can’t fake the real thing. Identify people in your organization that have deep experience, knowledge, strength of character and opinions. People that when they speak, everyone else quiets down and listens.

Just like in real life, your followers will naturally want to associate themselves with these people. Content and commentary from them will have a voice and impact that carries much more weight than someone clever in the marketing department.

Often these people are more seasoned or higher-level people who might not have time or experience in maintaining a social presence and voice. Curating pieces and asking for comment is a good way to start engaging them.

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